IT Services in Repentigny – MSP

Talk to a Repentigny-based specialist. We’re here to pinpoint your exact requirements.

Services Informatiques MSP Repentigny

Delegated IT services – MSP

Keep the focus on your business

Boost your business by entrusting your IT needs to our team of managed services and outsourcing experts, serving Repentigny. Concentrate on the key tasks of your business, while we maintain state-of-the-art IT expertise for you, thanks to our ongoing training.

“My users are happier than ever, and at last I can devote myself to growing my business without always swimming in recurring IT problems.”

Martin, Chief Technology Officer
Top Beauty Group – Repentigny

Cloud migration

Manage your business from anywhere

Drive your business from anywhere by migrating your “Onprem” IT management to the Microsoft Azure platform, extending your services from Repentigny. Get the flexibility and accessibility you need to run your business in today’s age, whether your organization adopts a hybrid or totally remote approach to working. All this at a lower cost than your existing hosting solutions.

Services Infonuagiques Cloud Repentigny
Services Réseaux Repentigny

LAN/WAN network management

Stay Connected

Ensure business continuity by delegating the supervision of your LAN/WAN infrastructures to our certified specialists in Fortinet, Unifi and Ubiquiti technologies. Benefit from a reliable connection, improved performance and enhanced security for your business, backed by the expertise of our committed local team.

Computer security

Stay safe

The threat of cyber attacks, capable of inflicting major damage on your business and brand image. Rely on the know-how of Mofco’s experienced team for maximum protection.

Services Cybersécurités Repentigny
Services Sauvegardes Repentigny

Data management and backup

Your data, at any time

Entrusting the supervision of your databases to our qualified database managers gives you access to a high level of expertise, essential for the efficient and secure management of your company’s day-to-day activities, while ensuring constant availability.

Disaster recovery

Ensure the continuity of your operations

No organization is immune to unforeseen events such as fires, floods, computer attacks or power outages. Set up a disaster recovery plan to ensure your company’s resilience in the face of these situations.

Services Reprise Après Sinistre Repentigny
Formations Informatiques Repentigny

Computer training

Optimize with technology

Join one of our 25 training programs (with guaranteed 1% certification) in Microsoft, Google, Teams or cybersecurity, available in Laval or online, and develop your skills from Repentigny.